Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 05: LIJIANG (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

View Yunnan Day 5 in a larger map
Today we will visit the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic Area , proceed to visit

LanYue Valley (Blue Moon Valley), BaiShui River, Ganhaizi and YuShuiZhai. It is a scenic area that was surrounded by the Naxi tribe and today, the traditional lifestyle of Naxi minority can still be observed there.

Next, enjoy the performance of <Impressions of Lijiang> directed by Zhang Yimou.

Next, visit the Spirulina Center, a local specialty and get to know its benefits then

Enjoy a leisurely walk at Shuhe Ancient Town, which retains its past atmosphere as a cozy village, hemmed in by orchards and green fields and houses are built along three clear streams.