Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 04: DALI-LIJIANG(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

View Yunnan Day 4 in a larger map
Today, we will visit the symbol scenic attraction of Dali -The Dali Three Pagodas.
Next, visit Xizhou village, a village with the most mixed population and cosmopolitan background. It grew and flourished in the Ming Dynasty(136-1644) along with the fortunes of Dali’s renowned tea merchants that traded to Tibet. Villagers in Bai dresses gather in a small market to buy and sell their product and daily wares. Enjoy the famous Bai Tribe’s tea performance.

Depart for Lijiang by coach. Upon arrival, visit Shizi Mountain where you can take a bird’s eye view of Lijiang.

Next explore the Ancient Town of Dayan, which is also known as Sifangjie (The Market Square). Dayan is regarded as the old town of Lijiang.

Lastly, your tour will visit Hei Long Tan (Black Dragon Lake).

After dinner, experience the *releasing of water lanterns to the river. ( *Releasing of water lanterns is subject to weather conditions.)