Thursday 4 July 2013

8D Kunming/Dali/Lijiang /Shangri-La Tour 昆明/大理/丽江/香格里拉

Day 01 Th:Kunming - Jiuxiang 第1天 : 昆明/九乡

Your holiday begin with a pleasant flight to Kunming – the provincial capital of Yunnan.
Upon arrival, you will visit Jiuxiang which is famous for its magnificent caves, waterfalls and beautiful landscape. It is Jiuxiang’s biggest cave cluster in China.

Day 02 Fr:KUNMING(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)第2天 : 石林 / 七彩云南 /昆明

After breakfast, proceed to marvel at the Stone Forest, also known as “The First Wonder of the World”. Stone Forest is a massive collection of gray limestone pillars, split by rainwater and eroded to their present fanciful form. You will be captivated by her immense beauty.
Proceed to visit Colorful Yunnan after lunch.
Continue your tour to visit Golden Temple, the biggest bronze-made temple in China.
早餐后,随后乘车前往游览世界第八大奇观 - 石林风景区(含电瓶车).为世界上单体最高的喀斯特岩溶地质奇观,石林地区居住着彝族撒尼人。景区内石峰拨地而起续,千峰竟秀,姿态万千,飞瀑天降,怪石 奇峰,千奇百怪,形象逼真,十分壮观,宛如一个石林迷宫,被誉为”天下第一奇观”。
午餐后,乘车前往七彩云南。继续乘车前往参观中国最大的铜铸殿 - 金殿。是中国现存最大的纯铜铸殿。 (早/午/晚餐)
Day 03 Sa: KUNMING-DALI(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)第3天:昆明 / 大理

After breakfast, we will visit the Luyu Tea Culture Exchange Center to have a better understanding of the renowned Yunnan Pu’er tea. You will learn of its culture, production and cultivation.
Thereafter, coach to a historical and cultural city of China -Dali, it is , also know as “Switzerland of the East” , complete with beautiful sceneries of wind, flowers, snow and the moon.
Explore China's largest dinosaur excavation site – The Dinosaur Valley” (at your own expense). You can see the largest dinosaur fossils and its excavation site.
Upon arrival in Dali, we will proceed to visit Erhai Park where you can enjoy the most beautiful viewing of Erhai lake.

早餐后,参观陆羽茶文化交流中心了解中国的茶文化,了解云南著名特产普洱茶的种植、制作及饮茶文化。之后将驱车前往″文邦之国″大理。大理有 ”东方瑞士”的美称。风、花、雪和月为大理四景,各具特色。中途游览中国最大的恐龙发掘地《恐龙谷》(自费),在此可以看到最大的恐龙化石和正在发掘的现场。抵达大理您将游览洱海公园,大理的自然风光以苍山,洱海著称。洱海因湖形似人耳,气势如海而得名;它一年四季风景如画。 (早/午/晚餐)

Day 04 Su: DALI-LIJIANG(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) 第4天:大理 / 丽江
Visit the Dali Ancient town and Westerners’ Street. Next, proceed to Dali silver shop.

Today, we will visit the symbol scenic attraction of Dali -The Dali Three Pagodas.
Next, visit Xizhou village, a village with the most mixed population and cosmopolitan background. It grew and flourished in the Ming Dynasty(136-1644) along with the fortunes of Dali’s renowned tea merchants that traded to Tibet. Villagers in Bai dresses gather in a small market to buy and sell their product and daily wares.
Enjoy the famous Bai Tribe’s tea performance.
Depart for Lijiang by coach.
Explore the Ancient Town of Dayan, which is also known as Sifangjie (The Market Square). Dayan is regarded as the old town of Lijiang.
今天, 到游客喜欢去的大理洋人街逛逛, 在这里的铺面林立两侧及货品琳琅满目,因此是著名的大理洋人街。之后将参观中国南方最古老最雄伟的建筑之一崇圣寺三塔(入内), 塔是大理市“文献名邦”的象征,它似三支巨笔,把古城点缀得更加壮丽。
后参观有600多年历史的大理古城 ,接着参观白族著名的特有的银器店手工艺,它不仅代表着一种传统而且已成为一种时尚。
历史文化名镇“喜州古镇”,是白族工商业发展的摇篮,清光绪年间,形成了驰名三迤的 “ 喜州商帮 ” 。孕育了以 “ 严、董、尹、杨 ” 四大家为首和 “ 八中家 ” 、 “ 十二小家 ” 的民族资本家。闻名遐迩的电影《五朵金花》就在此拍摄。喜洲镇是大理白族自治州民居建筑保存得最完好的,让您了解“三坊一照壁,四合五天井”的白族建筑特色。在这您将品尝大理著名的三道茶和观看白族歌舞表演。随后乘车前往云南省另一个文化名城丽江,丽江拥有丰富的人文景观。您也可以欣赏美丽神奇的高原自然风光。抵达后徒步狮子山,在此可观丽江古城全貌,映入眼帘的是雪山美丽全景。接着前往游览大研古镇和由“小桥,流水,人家”所形成独具特色的四方街古城。古城中的四方街,街巷汇集,店铺林立,城中有数处隽秀园林。
Day 05 Mo: LIJIANG(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)第5天:丽江

Today we will visit the Hei Long Tan (Black Dragon Lake), LanYue Valley (Blue Moon Valley), Baishui River, Ganhaizi and Yushui Zhai. It is a scenic area that was surrounded by the Naxi tribe and today, the traditional lifestyle of Naxi minority can still be observed there.
Next, enjoy the performance of <Impressions of Lijiang> directed by Zhang Yimou.Next,
visit the Spirulina Center, a local specialty and get to know its benefits
then Enjoy a leisurely walk at Shuhe Ancient Town, which retains its past atmosphere as a cozy village, hemmed in by orchards and green fields and houses are built along three clear streams.
今天带您前往从古城四方街沿经纬纵横的玉河溯流而上约行一公里有一外晶莹清澈泉潭,限为中外闻名的黑龙潭玉水寨游“神龙三叠水”, 接下来观赏张艺谋导演的《印象。丽江》大型歌舞表演。
Day 06 Tu: LIJIANG-SHANGRILA(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)第6天:丽江 / 香格里拉

Move on to Zhongdian (Shangri-La).
En route, see the First Bend of Yangtze River San Gu Shui Jing Qu.
Upon arrival, tour to visit Gedan SongZanLing Lamasery which was constructed in 1679. This lamasery, which is only 5 kilometres from the country seat of Shangri-la, is similar to the original one in the Tibet. Covering an area of 34 hectares, it is the first Tibetan Buddhist temple in Yunnan.
Next, visit Shika Snow Mountain by cable car*. Shika Snowy Mountain is 4,449 meters above sea level. Up to the observation terrace, you can overlook the panoramic view of highland prairies and the remote Snow Peaks as Meili, Jade Dragon, Haba etc.
Continue to see the World’s Biggest Tibetan Prayer Wheel and
visit the Dukezong Ancient Town. Dukezong Old Town, a 1300-year-old Tibetan town located in Shangri-La, which it has experienced both the flames of war and prosperity of frontier trade. Dukezong Old Town's authentic Tibetan dwellings, majestic prayer halls and pagodas, winding lanes offer sanctuary to all those seeking refuge from the bustle city.It is the largest and best-preserved Tibetan city among China's Tibetan counties. Dukezong Old Town was a key stop on the Ancient Tea-horse Road and a focal point for Han-Tibetan exchanges. As one of the oldest towns in the region, it is also known as the 'footstep of Shangri-La'. According to Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, there is a lost city called Shambhala in the Snow Mountains, shaped like an eight-petal lotus flower. The Dukezong Old Town Town is also laid out in this design.
今天乘车前往中甸,又称“香格里拉”。长江为世界3大河,途中远眺著名的长江第一湾三股水冒金地,金沙江突然来了一个百多度的急转弯,掉头折向东北,形成罕见的“V”字形大弯,人们称此为“长江第一湾”。接下来您将参观藏传佛教寺院松赞林寺(入内), 又称小布达拉宫 - 云南规模最大最具藏传佛教特色的寺庙。在群山之间,有一座集镇规模的建筑群,极高处的屋顶上有鎏金铜瓦熠熠放光,夺人眼目。接下来您将乘索道游览石卡雪山。您将乘索道到达山顶,领略香格里拉高山流石滩自然生态的无限风光,感受山巅文化和寺外神山文化的美丽神奇韵味。接着您将有幸远眺世界最大的转经筒。前往南亚商城后游览独克宗古城。独克宗藏语意为白色石头城,独克宗古城是中国保存得最好、最大的藏民居群,而且是茶马古道的枢纽。您可以充分感受独特的藏族文化。(早/午/晚餐)
Day 07 We: SHANGRILA --> KUNMING (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) 第7天:香格里拉 (飞机)昆明

Take a domestic flight to Kunming,
Set off for Daguan Park , built during Kangxi dynasty . It boasts a 180 words antithetical couplet, the longest in China, written by Sun Ranfeng, a celebrated scholar in the Qing dynasty. Continue your tour to Cuihu Park , Flower Market and Silk Shop for shopping.
DAY 8 Th: KUNMING (KLS8) 第8天:昆明 (飞机)

Today we will visit JinMaBiJi (Golden horse, Jade Rooster Archway)
 Continue your tour to Nanping Pedestrian Street and Jewelry Centre. Thereafter, transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Reference: Yunnan Tour

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