Wednesday 29 May 2013

2013-05-11 Day 3 Sa: Kunming-Dali 第3天:昆明 / 大理

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0730-0845 Breakfast at Longway hotel 昆明郎威酒店
0845-0905 Hotel to Luyu Tea Culture Exchange Cente
0905-1150 Luyu Tea Culture Exchange Center 陆羽茶艺中心 Video
1150-1330 Luyu Tea Culture Exchange Center to The Dinosaur Valley.
1330-1500 Lunch and Explore “the Dinosaur Valley”  Video
1500-2140 Depart for Dali (Journey delayed 2 hrs due to road accident)
2140-2210 Erhai Park Night View 洱海公园
2210-2310 Dinner at 城中城 Video
2310-2320 Regent Hotel 大理風花雪月酒店

Route Map
View Day 3 Sa: Kunming-Dali in a larger map

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