Wednesday 12 June 2013

2013-05-13 Day 5 Mo: Lijiang 第5天:丽江

Play All Day 5 Video
0645-0720 Breakfast at Guang Fang Hotel Lijiang 麗江官房酒店別墅
0720-0730 Guang Fang Hotel Lijiang-Black Dragon Pool 麗江官房酒店別墅-黑龙潭
0730-0810 Black Dragon Pool 丽江黑龙潭  Video
0805-0825 Black Dragon Pool-Yushui Zhai 丽江黑龙潭-玉水寨
0830-0905 Yushui Zhai 玉水寨 Video
0905-0915 Yushui Zhai-Dongba Valley 玉水寨-东巴谷
0915-1010 Dongba Valley 东巴谷 Video1 Video2
1010-1020 Dongba Valley-Ganhaizi(Dry Lake) 东巴谷-甘海子 Video
1020-1030 Ganhaizi (Dry Lake) 甘海子 Video
1030-1035 Ganhaizi (Dry Lake)-Impression of Lijiang 甘海子-印象丽江雪山剧场
1035-1245 Impression of Lijiang 印象丽江雪山剧场 Video1 Video2
1215-1245 Lunch at Lijiang Impression Show Theatre 午餐在印象丽江雪山剧场 Video
1250-1315 Lijiang Impression Show Theatre-YunShanPing by shutter bus 印象丽江雪山剧场-云山坪 
1315-1335 YunShanPing-Blue Moon Valley by electromobile 云山坪-藍月谷 
1335-1505 Blue Moon Valley, BaiShui River 藍月谷, 白水河/白水台 Video
1505-1550 Blue Moon Valley-Shuhe Ancient Town 藍月谷-束河古鎮
1550-1710 Shuhe Ancient Town 束河古鎮 Video
1710-1715 Shuhe Ancient Town-Spirulina Center 束河古鎮-丽江康诺生物开发有限公司
1715-1810 Can-Nuo Spirulina Center 丽江螺旋藻 
1810-1823 Spirulina Center-Restaurant 丽江螺旋藻-丽水三官堂
1823-1920 Dinner 晚餐在丽水三官堂 Video
1920-1930 Guang Fang Hotel Lijiang 丽水三官堂-麗江官房酒店別墅

Route Map 路线图

View Day 5 Lijiang 丽江 in a larger map

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