Saturday 22 February 2014

10天好客山东河南赏花美食游 / 10D Shandong & Henan Flower Appreciation Gourmet Tour

10天好客山东河南赏花美食游 10D Shandong & Henan Flower Appreciation Gourmet Tour
第一天行程:青岛 / Day 1 Map: Qingdao 
(Video 1, 22mins) Walked, 7.6km
20140414 乘飞机经无锡转机飞往“碧海蓝天,绿树红瓦”的东方瑞士-青岛。抵达后前往十梅庵赏梅花,随后中山公园赏樱花,之后前往参观小鱼山,小鱼山是欣赏青岛“红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天” 前海风光的最佳去处。随后参观百年老街-劈柴院小吃街,可自费品尝地道的青岛小吃。随后游览小青岛,为本世纪初德国人建造,岛上的白塔亭亭玉立,夜幕低垂时,可欣赏“琴屿飘灯”之胜景。之后游览世界建筑博物馆八大关。这里曾是别墅区,有各种风格的建筑,八大关指八条马路以八个关口命名。蒋介石故居-【花石楼】是八大关景区的标志性建筑; 始建于1930年,外墙由花岗岩石砌筑,塔楼顶部为雉堞式女儿墙。花石楼是一幢融合了西方多种建筑艺术风格的欧洲古堡式建筑,既有希腊和罗马式风格,又有 哥特式建筑特色。青岛海滨有许多风景秀丽的海岬,太平角公园是其中最美的一处,公园三面环海,空气清新,景色怡人,漫步其间,闲适飘逸,如入梦境。之后参观奥林匹克帆船中心和五四广场。晚餐品尝渔家宴。
Your vacation starts with a pleasant flight to Qingdao via Wuxi. Proceed to visit the Plum Blossom in Shimeian and Cherry Blossom in ZhongShan Park. Continue to visit Xiaoyushan (Little-Fish Hill), Small Qingda and taste the traditional cuisine of Qingdao at Firewood Yuan Food street (at your own expense). Thereafter, proceed to Badaguan. Lying between TaiPing and HuiQuan Cape, Badaguan is scattered with coastal flora and fauna, along with many varieties of trees and more than 200 exotically-styled villas. Next, visit Huashilou. Thereafter, Taipinjiao Garden. Continue the journey to visit Wusi (May 4th) Square and you can have a glimpse of the 2008 Olympic Yacht Competition Ground. (Meal on Board, Lunch, Dinner)

第二天行程:青岛 - 烟台 / Day 2 Map: Qingdao - Yantai 
(Video 2, 25mins) Walked, 5.1km
20140415 今天游览康有為故居[青岛德国总督府]青岛市的标志性建筑-栈桥[正在装修]。栈桥最南端的回澜阁所形成的“飞阁回澜”是青岛十景之一。继续前往驰名中外的青岛啤酒厂,感受青岛啤酒先进的酿造工艺并品尝新鲜出炉的青岛啤酒,让你流连忘返。之后前往青岛台东步行夜市, 乘车前往烟台,在4-5月水果花盛开季节,沿途可欣赏到苹果花或樱桃花或梨花等不同种类的花。
Explore Former Residence of Kang Youwei, Zhanqiao Pier the famous landmark of Qingdao[Under renovation] and the Qingdao Beer factory. Here, you can enjoy Qingdao Beer tasting. Thereafter, Qingdao Taidong Night market , then we will set off for Yantai.(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

第三天行程:烟台 - 潍坊 / Day 3 Map: Yantai - WeiFang 
(Video 3, 38mins) Walked, 4.0km
20140416 早餐后参观世界首家鲸鲨主题馆-海昌鲸鲨馆,内部设有鲸鲨展区、鲨鱼展区、海龟展区、海牛展区、珊瑚展区、水母展区、深海探险、人鱼传说等十大特色功能区。关内采用亚洲单体最大的亚克力玻璃,游客可清晰直观的欣赏到鲸鲨在3000立方米水体中尽情遨游的景象。这里拥有中国内地首家高科技360度全息天幕电影,通过超真实的三维仿真技术,上演一场扣人心弦的万米海阳深处“鲸鲨大战”节目。随后参观张裕葡萄酒博物馆,品尝张裕葡萄酒。后参观钟表文化博物馆,是目前亚洲最大中国唯一一家以钟表文化为主题的博物馆,堪称钟表王国,令人打开眼界。乘汽车到潍坊,游览杨家埠民俗文化村,在这里可以参观仿明朝建筑风格的古民居,您也可以欣赏到具有浓郁民俗风情的木版年画及民间剪纸。在风筝博物馆您可以参观风筝的制作过程。
Proceed to Haichang Whale Shark Museum, the world’s first whale shark themed scientific oceanarium. The aquarium has exhibits of whale sharks, sea turtles, sharks, jellyfish, tropical fishes, corals and more and also China’s first high tech 360-degree LED movie display. The main highlight is the whale shark exhibit where you can admire the spectacular view of whale sharks swimming gracefully in a 3,000-cubic-metre aquarium behind Asia’s largest 16.68-metre long and 5.18-metre high acrylic glass. You can enjoy an up-close encounter with seals such as dancing, ball balancing and playing games like ring throwing at the performance area with them. Next, proceed to Changyu Winery Culture Museum (includes wine tasting). See the largest wine barrels in Asia, which have a history of over 100 years and traces the history of Changyu wine from 18th century up to the 21st century. View the bottling process, tour the European-style underground wine storage and sample Changyu wines. You can also view The Grand Cellar, which is over 100 years old and is Asia’s oldest wine cellar. Thereafter, visit the Polaris Watches Heritage Museum. It is the largest professional timepiece museum in Asia. Next, proceed to Weifang and visit Yangjiabu Folk Arts Park. The old village houses are built in Ming Dynasty style and the town is famous for its woodcut pictures and kites. The town of Yangjiabu in Weifang, along with Tianjin’s Yangliuqing and Suzhou Taohuawu, is named as the top Three Places of Traditional New Year Pictures. You will be able to enjoy the Wooden Portrait and Chinese Paper Cutting. In the Kites Museum, you will experience the process of making kites.(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

第四天行程:潍坊-淄博-周村-济南-肥城 / Day 4: WeiFang–Zibo-Zhoucun-Jinan-Feicheng 
(Video 4, 25mins) Walked, 6.4km
20140417 早餐后前往齐国的故都-临淄参观古车博物馆为齐景公殉葬的战马的殉马坑。临淄是古代东方历史名都。从西周初年姜太公封齐建国,经春秋桓公称霸,战国威宣称雄,开创稷下学宫,倡百家争鸣,至西晋废齐,临淄作为诸侯王国的都城累计 1300 余年。之后前往天下第一村-周村,参观周村烧饼博物馆,周村烧饼曾被清政府列为钦点贡品的传统美食,到被列入国家非物质文化遗产的传统美食,距今有1800多年的历史,在烧饼博物馆您可亲眼目睹从和面、制剂、着麻、烘烤到包装的烧饼制作全过程,亲口品尝着“薄、香、酥、脆”的烧饼。后乘车前往山东省省会济南,随后参观泉城公园[百花公园]观赏牡丹花,每年4月中下旬,公园里牡丹花、芍药花相继开放,游人如织。游览素有“泉城明珠”之美誉的天然湖-大明湖;湖水来源于市区的珍珠泉,芙蓉泉,王府池等泉水。之后游览五龙潭公园,五龙潭公园内,散布着形态各异的26处古名泉,构成济南四大泉群的五龙潭泉群,并成为济南四大著名泉群中水质最好的泉群。每年4-5月这里百花竞放,满园春色,玉兰花、迎春花等各类花相继开放,构成一片花的海洋。前往济南市四大名泉之一的黑虎泉参观。后乘汽车前往济南双泉镇万亩油菜花基地赏油菜花,每年04月上旬至05月初,这里成千上万亩的油菜花盛开,金色的油菜花望眼过去似黄金的海洋,渲染的天空也变成了迷你鹅黄色,游客在这里可充分享受美好的田园时光。续往泰安。
Coach on to the estimated 1300 years of history, the capital of Qi Dynasty - Zibo. Zibo is. Visit the Qi Dynasty Horse Tomb, where you can understand more about the glorious history of Qi Dynasty. Next, visit Zhoucun Street. Zhoucun has very well-preserved streets and retains the architectural style of the Ming and Qing. Then, visit the Zhoucun Biscuits Museum. You can have a better understanding of the whole baking process and also enjoy the traditional thin, fragrant, crisp, brittle biscuits. Continue on our coach trip to the capital of Shandong Province – Jinan. Enjoy flower viewing at Baihua Garden*. Next, visit Wulongtang Park and Daming Lake, a natural lake where water from the local spring converges. Lastly, we will visit the Black Tiger Spring – the water comes from a natural cave under the cliff and surges out of three stone-carved tiger heads. Visit Jinan Changqing Double Springs Canola Flower. Lastly, coach on to Taian  (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

第五天行程:肥城-泰安/泰山-肥城 / Day 5: Feicheng–Taishan–Feicheng 
(Video 5, 21mins) Walked, 5.3km
20140418 早餐后游览泰山,泰山位于泰安市内,为五岳之首,不仅雄奇壮丽,气象万千,而且文物古迹众多。将乘缆车上下泰山,登临岱顶,您可以在天街自由漫步,可以在大观峰欣赏唐玄宗手术的《纪泰山铭〉,可以在玉皇顶拜谒玉皇大帝。之后参观宝树堂和淡水珍珠科技馆,了解淡水珍珠的培育知识及过程。欣赏大型山水实景演出*【中华泰山.封禅大典】是被誉为“实景演出创始人”的著名文化策划大师-梅帅元先生策划的。耗资约3亿元打造,其最大的特点在于使用180°全景式的自然山水作舞台,使用现代的声、光、电技术、舞美制作和大规模的演员阵容来演绎当地特色文化,观众在自然剧场中身临其境,该演出仿照泰山五朝帝王封禅场景以泰山自然山水为背景,带您穿越五千年历史时空,亲身感受泰山市井文化及帝王封禅文化。
After breakfast, coach to Mt. Tai (TaiShan). Enjoy a cable-car ride to Mt.Taishan, which ranks first among China’s five sacred mountains. It epitomizes splendid Chinese culture and was listed in the World Natural and Cultural Heritage List of UNESCO in 1987. In ancient times, the first thing for an emperor to do upon ascending to the throne was to climb Mount Taishan and pray to heaven and earth or their ancestors. It was said that 72 emperors of different dynasties made pilgrimages to this mountain. Take a tour of tourist attractions, such as Nantian Men Gate, Heavenly Street, Yuhuang (Jade Emperor) Summit and Daguanfeng. Next, visit the Pearl House and Baoshutang.(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

第六天行程:肥城 - 泰安 - 曲阜 / Day 6: Feicheng – Taian – Qufu 
(Video 6, 22mins) Walked, 3.8km
20140419 早餐之后,到肥城桃园大世界赏桃花,前往御贡缘土特产店购买土特产。之后您乘汽车参观孔府,曲阜是中国历史悠久的文化名城,也是中国著名思想家,及被封为"大成至圣先师"教育家孔子的故乡。孔府是孔子嫡系子孙居住的方。让您了解儒家思 想和孔子生平事迹;体会中华文化的洋洋大观。后参观孔子六艺城,它是以中国古代伟大思想家、教育家、政治家、儒家学派创始人孔子一生崇尚 和倡导的“礼、乐、射、御、书、数”六艺为引线,运用现代声、光、电等高科技技术手段,借助音乐、美术、建筑等表现形式建造的一座集知识性、娱乐性、参与 性、历史性、趣味性及购物、美食、旅游、娱乐等多种功能于一体的大型文化旅游城。后乘车前往曲阜,晚餐品尝孔府家宴的同时您还可以观赏精彩的古乐舞表演。
(早、午、 晚餐)
Today, we will make a stop at the Yugongyuan local product shop. Coach to Feicheng City where you can see beautiful *peach blossoms. Next, travel to a famous cultural city which is the Hometown of Confucius - QuFu. You will visit The Confucian Mansion. It will give you a chance to understand the history of “Confucianism”. The thick and rich culture has made the city a world heritage. Then, visit Confucius Six Arts City. Confucius, the great ancient Chinese thinker and educator, advocated respect for life through "ritual, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic", known as the ‘six arts’. In the Six Arts City, they use high-tech technology, with the combination of entertainment, historic fun, shopping and dining to manifest the six arts in a modern way. Enjoy a performance of ancient dance during dinner. (Breakfast, lunch, Dinner)

第七天行程:曲阜 - 菏泽 - 开封 / Day 7: Qufu – Heze – Kaifeng 
(Video 7, 47mins) Walked, 7.0km
20140420 早餐后观古城开城仪式。赴菏泽,参观曹州牡丹园,自古有洛阳牡丹甲天下,曹州牡丹甲洛阳”之说。菏泽古称曹州。栽培牡丹历史悠久,有十大花型,600多品种,万亩牡丹争奇斗艳,一望无际,令游人叹为观止。在这欣赏姹紫嫣红,千姿百态的牡丹花。午餐后乘汽车前往古都—开封,开封素有七朝古都之称,其著名景点龙亭是清康熙三十一年所建的万寿亭,其建筑远远望去犹如天上宫阙,高不可极。而另一景点铁塔亦是高耸入云天,塔上的花纹图案,工艺细腻,栩栩如生;续程游览开封府,宋都御衔。
After breakfast, enjoy Ancient City Gate Opening Ceremony. Thereafter, your coach trip to Heze, a city famous for Peonies. Upon arrival, visit CaoZhao Peony Garden. Laid out in 1983, it is the world’s largest peony garden with the greatest number of different varieties. This is also the horticultural base of the peony. Thereafter, enjoy a coach ride to Kaifeng, one of the seven ancient capitals of China. Visit Longting (Dragon) Pavilion, which was built in the Qing Dynasty. Visit Tieta (Iron) Pagoda, built in the11th century. Tieta is actually made of normal bricks but is covered in specially colored tiles that look like iron. Next, tour Songdu Ancient Street. (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

第八天行程:开封 - 黄河 - 登封 / Day 8: Kaifeng - Yellow River - Dengfeng 
(Video 8, 34mins) 7.2km
20140421 游览开封府后, 前往郑州的黄河游览区,您将乘气垫船游黄河,定会给您留下难忘的记忆。续乘车参观参观少林寺和塔林,今天您还将有幸观看著名的少林武术表演。
Today, visit Kaifengfu before we explore Zhengzhou’s Yellow River tourist attractions and enjoy Yellow River cruise on board a hovercraft. Depart for Dengfeng. Upon arrival, visit the Shaolin Temple that was founded in the 5th century AD by an Indian monk, Buddha Lharma, who preached Chan Buddhism. Next, visit Pagoda Forest and enjoy a world famous Shaolin Martial Arts Performance. (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

第九天行程:登封 - 洛阳牡丹赏析* - 郑州 Day 9:Dengfeng–Luoyang Peony*–Zhengzhou 
(Video 9, 39mins) Walked, 9.5km
20140422 今天前往洛阳游览洛阳牡丹园观赏国色天香的牡丹花。之后游览三国名将关羽(关公)首级葬地-关林.关林位于洛阳南郊八公里处,据说是关羽的首级便葬于此。为纪念关羽而建有关公庙,周围的环境优美。续程参观著名的龙门石窟,龙门石窟是中国四大著名石窟之一,始建于北魏,从开工至完成历经400年,其人物雕刻栩栩如生。游毕返回郑州。
Set off for Luoyang and marvel at beautiful peonies in a vast peony garden. Next, stop at Guanlin (Guan’s Forest), where the head of Guan Yu (a famous general of the state of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Period) was buried. Thereafter proceed to visit Luoyang Longmen Grottoes. Built in the year 494, the Longmen Grottoes is one of China’s three treasure houses of grotto art, with 2,100 grottoes and 100,000 Buddhist sculptures.  After that, take a coach trip to Zhengzhou.
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

第十天行程:郑州 - 上海 / Day 10: Zhengzhou - Shanghai 
(Video 10, 12mins) Walked, 0.5km
20140423 今天参观好想你枣工厂之后送往机场乘内陆飞机飞往上海或北京转搭豪华客机飞返美丽的家园。(早餐、机上用餐)
Visit Red date Factory before bid farewell to Zhengzhou and depart for the airport for your return flight.
(Breakfast/Meals onboard)

Flowers/赏花特色 : (*赏花安排依花期开放日期而定)
  • Qingdao Cherry Blossom 青岛中山公园赏樱花
  • Heze Peony 菏泽((牡丹之乡)牡丹花
  • Shimeian Plum  Blossom 十梅庵赏梅花
  • Feicheng City–Peach Blossom 肥城桃园世界赏桃花
  • Jinan–Chinese Flower 济南五龙潭公园赏玉兰花, 百花公园赏牡丹
  • Yulan Magnolia Flower 双全镇赏万亩油菜花
  • Winter Jasmine Flower 迎春花
  • Apple Flower 苹果
 ( *All Flower appreciation arrangement match with blooming date)

Food Gourmet :
  • Jinan Jiaozi (Dumplings) Feast 济南饺子宴
  • Farm House feast 农家宴
  • Qufu Confucian Feast + Performance 孔府家宴+歌舞表演
  • Shandong Lu Flavor 鲁菜风味
  • Taishan Lingzhi Feast  泰山灵芝药膳宴
  • Shandong Qi Flavor Feast 淄博博山菜
  • Heze Peony Cuisine Specialty 菏泽风味
  • Qingdao Beer And Seafood Feast 青岛渔家宴
  • Qingdao local cuisine 青岛名小吃, 青岛海鲜风味
  • Kaifeng Clyster Dumplings Flavor 开封灌汤包子风味
  • Luoyang half Watery Cuisine洛阳半水席
  • Zhengzhou Laoma Hotpot 郑州老妈火锅
  • Dengfeng Shaolin Vegetarian 登封少林素斋
  • 品尝中华名小吃-周村烧饼, 扒鸡风味
  • Qingdao Beer tasting &  Changyu  wine tasting 品尝新鲜青岛啤酒, 品尝张裕葡萄酒
  • Enjoy a world famous Shaolin Martial Arts Performance 武术表演
  • Enjoy Yellow River cruise on board a hovercraft 黄河气垫船
  • Shaolin & Longmen Grottoes battery car 少林寺电瓶车, 龙门石窟电瓶车
  • Taishan Fengshan Ceremony Performance 大型山水实景演出【中华泰山.封禅大典】
  • Fruit picking 特别安排草莓园采摘新鲜草莓-限四月份,包园内任摘任食物
  • Free mineral water 每人每天一瓶矿泉水
  • 山东吉祥挂件,  泰安吉祥红丝带 
  • Stay in 4-5**Hotel
  • Qingdao Hilton or Sheraton or similar class hotel: 2 nights
  • Qufu newly open Shangri-La or similar class hotel: 1 night
  • Yantai & Weifang local 5*Hotel : 1 night
  • 行程顺序或因当地非预期情况而需临时更改,恕不预先告知。
  • 团体将以华文讲解为主,若需双语导游,本社将尽量为您安排
  • 中途离团客人地接社会向离团客人收取贾费用,否则影响团队成本及人数
  • 英文版行程翻译自中文版本。如有差异,将以中文版为标准 
  • 住宿中国准4-5星 级酒店
  • 所有的赏花和水果采摘视天气情况而定,如因人为不可抗拒因素,旅行社不再作出任何补偿  潍坊中恒国际大酒店或同级五星1晚(若遇到潍坊世界风筝博览会期间将调整到同级五星淄博万豪大酒店入住)
  • 【封禅大典】为赠送产品;因封禅大典剧场是露天的,如遇天气原因(如:下雨)或特殊情况停演导致停演,将不再采取其他内容替换
  • 加点配套 :康有為故居[青岛德国总督府]+青岛台东步行夜市+古车博物馆+乘船游大明湖(或乘画舫游济南护城河) = 500人民币/人(很贵)
*Remarks: [没去 Did't go]
  • Tourist visas (single or multiple entries) may be required.
  • Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sequence of the itinerary is subject to change with/without prior notice. Tour is conducted in Mandarin, unless otherwise specified. Request for bilingual (Mandarin & English) guide is subject to confirmation.
  • Additional tour at 500RMB(Very Expensive) : Qingdao German Government House[Under renovation] + Qingdao Taidong Night market + Museum of Ancient Chinese Chariots + Daming Lake cruise (or Jinan moat cruise )
  • All Flowers appreciation arrangement matches blooming date
  • All fruit picking base on seasonal at own expense
  • TZ Flight include 20kgof baggage & 7kg of hand luggage per guest, per sector, exclude meal onboard
  • Base on china local 4-5star hotels stay

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